Garrett Snearly

Here are a few things about me!
– I am majoring in Computer Science: Software Engineering and Electrical Engineering!
– I am a follower of Jesus Christ!
– I love doing landscape photography as well as product photography!
– I love doing web development and coding
– I am a follower of Jesus Christ!
– I love doing landscape photography as well as product photography!
– I love doing web development and coding
My Journey!
I started photography back in 2019 when I got my mom’s old DSLR camera! I started photographing everything I could think of, from sunsets to flowers in our garden! I found that photography was a way for me to escape this crazy world! As I started photographing everything, I started looking at the world differently, God started talking to me through my photos I was taking. God filled me with peace and for the first time in a long time I felt calm, and I knew right then and there that God was telling me to procure photography as a ministry for him! Since then, I have seen God use my photography in ways that just blow my mind! I realize now that I can use my photography to bless others!